Study Abroad.

The United Kingdom has so much to offer the overseas student in terms of its history, culture and traditions. Spend a semester living and learning in this ‘green and pleasant’ land, a country of ‘pomp and circumstance’, a nation that started the Industrial Revolution, established the greatest empire on earth, and fostered democracy and human rights.
The overseas student will gain first-hand knowledge through Warnborough College’s courses in British and European studies and field trips to places that come alive from the pages of history.
A semester at Warnborough College will allow students to:
- Walk in the footsteps of the Saints
- Explore the cobbled streets and alleys of history
- Visit the castles and palaces of famous leaders
- Understand the traditions and values of the United Kingdom
- Return home inspired, knowledgeable and empowered
Warnborough College has been running Study Abroad programmes successfully since 1973. It was one of the first institutions in the UK to offer this option to American students seeking a unique learning and living experience.

The College has taken great care in offering courses that have special appeal for American students wishing to study in the United Kingdom. As the gateway to Europe, we are perfectly located to offer not only British-centric courses but also those related to Europe.
Students are encouraged to choose courses which will enable them to benefit from local resources, experts, and facilities. Many courses are geared to field trips, theatre visits, and tours to places of historical interest.
Each course is worth 4 credits. The usual course load for a student abroad student, participating in a semester-long programme, is four courses (16 credits). Students participating in either summer session usually take two courses (8 credits). Students may take less than the normal load, if they wish.
Students with a grade point average of 3.33 may take an additional course. Teaching styles may differ from lectures, seminars, and/or the Oxford tutorial method.
Transer of Credit
At the end of the semester, the College issues an unofficial transcript to each student, and an official transcript is sent to the student’s home institution. The transcript lists the courses taken, credit hours, and grades received. This transcript, authorised by Warnborough College and signed by the Registrar, serves as the recommendation for transfer of credit.
Students are responsible for making transfer credit arrangements at their home institutions, and to facilitate this, each course must be approved in advance by the home institution concerned. Recommendations follow normal American practice, and the College will cooperate with any institution which has special requirements or procedures.
The Faculty
Our experienced international faculty combines high academic attainment with a wealth of professional experience both in teaching and in practical application of their field.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Course grades will be evaluated by continual assessment through essays, reports, tests, and by a written three-hour examination in each course.
The grades for the semester’s coursework will be averaged, and combined with the examination grade, to produce a single letter grade, as follows:
A = 4.00 Excellent
A- = 3.66
B+ = 3.33
B = 3.00 Good
B- = 2.66
C+ = 2.33
C = 2.00 Satisfactory
C- = 1.66
D+ = 1.33
D = 1.00 Poor
F = 0.00 Failure
I = Incomplete
Teachers will take into account spoken contributions in class, attendance, and late submission of work when grading.
The College is willing to cooperate with other colleges and universities using other grading methods. Students may choose letter grades or take courses on a pass/fail basis. They must petition for the pass/fail option, and will not be allowed to change this once the semester has begun.
Academic Counselling
The College provides academic counselling for all students. At the mid-term, each student is interviewed by the Academic Committee to discuss their mid-term reports and progress.
Academic Regulations
A list of academics rules and regulations will be given to each student on arrival. However, it should be stressed that attendance at classes is mandatory, and assignments must be completed on time.

Students in good academic standing currently enrolled at an American college or university should have no difficulty in being accepted for a Semester Abroad at Warnborough.
Students may apply via their home institution or direct with Warnborough College. Applicants for admission are evaluated without regard to race, colour, religion, national origin, sex, age, veteran status or handicap.
The Semester abroad programme is designed specifically for juniors and seniors (with a cumulative grade point ratio of 2.00 or better) in good standing at their home institutions and applications must be recommended by two references. An official transcript is required.
Applicants may apply for a Semester (Fall, Spring or Summer), or for a six-week Summer Session A or B.
Download: Application Form
Deadline and Process
It is advisable to apply as early as possible. Deadlines: Fall Semester (1st July); Spring Semester (1st December); Summer Semester (1st May). Completed applications are processed within two weeks.
Finalising an Offer of Admissions
There is a non-refundable application process fee of US$50. A non-refundable deposit of US$500 is due within two weeks of acceptance in order to confirm and reserve a student’s place in the programme. The balance of fees must be paid in full at least one month prior to the start of the Semester.
Method of Payment and Deadline
Fees must be paid in US currency by wire transfer or credit card made payable to Warnborough College.
Financial Aid
Federal Aid may be applicable via the home institution.