On 9 March, we had our 4th online meeting for our KA2 Transversal BIM for Higher Education project.
It was a snap meeting attended by our partners from Spain, Hungary, Poland and Greece to discuss the transnational meeting in Canterbury on 24-25 March as well as our deliverables. Participants include InnoSouth (Spain), Global BIM (Spain), the University of Economics and Innovation (Poland), the University of Patras (Greece) and EK Association (Hungary).
In May, we will host a large group of professional teacher colleagues from Belgium. Organised by our partners, Catholic Education Flanders and University College Leuven-Limburg, nearly 50 teachers will gather in Canterbury to learn about adaptive expertise. Together with Warnborough College, the National Education Institute of Slovenia and Fontys University of Applied Sciences, all organisations will conduct special training on what adaptive expertise is and how to develop this over the week of 9 to 13 May.
We look forward to welcoming everyone to Canterbury!